duminică, 16 august 2009

4.The Courage to Make Things Right [5:51]

Another day will pass
Without me even noticing
An important event
Just slipped through my hands
I know I make mistakes
But what can I do
I have what it takes
To make it through
But I need you

Chorus :
Am aware of rejection
Can`t do anything to stop it
Will wake up one day
Holding in my hands
The courage to make things right

I have no other option
No place left to go
Not willing to share
All the rejects that I show
The day I went wrong
Is still haunting me
Leaving me no other option
I need to break free.
Things pile up
In the corner of lust
Nothing left to trust
But myself.
I can`t accept the fact
That in front of me
Stands my evil ego
Laughing and grinning.
Pathetic is the one
That can`t embrace the ending
Insane is the one
Who wants to end with the beginning
Misceleous things
Rushing to your mind
You`ll never see the shades
That control your whole life.
Accepting things
Has never been easy
But this time it seems
To get even worse
The gig is even bigger
Not ready to deliver
The message of the murder
And the crowd is even louder

[guitar solo]


[guitar solo]

I met a man
The other day
He hadn`t spoken
With his son
In 10 years
And he had fears
Regarding forgiveness
He`d never forgive his son
As he left his religion.
This is so obvious.
The delusional man
Felt quite bad as he heard
About 3 grandchildren
He wanted to see them bad
But what could he do
His son felt bad too
They met one day
And put things into place
Everything was back to normal

[guitar solo]

Chorus x 2

3 comentarii:

  1. frate crezi ca citim noi melodiile astea .sincer nu
    pune articole tari ca precedentele..no more lyrics dud

  2. inca 4 piese si e gata albumul REVIBE

  3. Dar...care e rostul daca nimeni nu le citeste?:(
